Cornhole Celebrations – How do you celebrate?

Cornhole celebrations

There is nothing like throwing a corn hole! No matter if it was a “swoosh”, a perfect slide in or your bag got bumped in the hole. They all count, and they all feel great. And when that bag drops in the hole, we all give a little celebration.

So, how do you celebrate?

Silent Celebration

Some of us like to keep our celebrations on the inside. (I’ll admit that I fall into this category.) We act a though we are not surprise in the least that we threw a corn hole. This is usually followed by a look to our opponent that says, “Nothing to see here, lets keep this game moving along.”

Personally, I like this celebration the most as it really tends to get into your opponents head. Just play it cool. Reach over and grab your drink from the [link to – corn hole drink holder], and throw another corn hole.

Vocal Celebration

I think this is the most common form of celebration I see, and each person’s vocal celebration is a little different. For instance, my mom likes to make this crazy “doodle, doodle, doodle” sound.

“CORNHOLE! Doodle Doodle Doodle!” – Mom

By far the most common though is a loud hoot or “Yeah!” These can be loud at times and to the uninitiated, a little intimidating. I’ve seen untrained opponents literally jump at the sound of the corn hole celebrator’s victory call. In some cases dropping their corn hole bags. And in a few very sad cases, dropping a full beer.

Fist Pump

I’ll probably date myself on this reference, but I think the concept of the First Pump started with Arsineo Hall. Fist over your head and pump like you are hitting a speed bag. As with the other variations, the fist pump has a wide range of accepted forms – many of which are taken from major league sports. Here are some of my favorites:

Cam Newton – The Dab

Steph Curry CelebrationSteph Curry – “Tap and Point to the Sky”

LeBron James – “The Silencer”

Cornhole Dance

For some folks, a fist pump just isn’t enough. No, they have to dance! I’ve seen everything from jumping up and down, hands in the air…to booty shakes and moon walks. These types of celebrations tend to take quite a bit longer than the other.

And if kids are involved, forget about getting the game done in a reasonable amount of time. Kids like to dance…which makes the adults laugh…which makes the kids want to dance even more. It’s a vicious cycle, so beware!

So how do you celebrate?

Of course this short post doesn’t capture all the celebrations. There are elaborate combinations of the above celebrations unique to their creators. Some are spontaneous, and others are choreographed over the long winter months while waiting to play corn hole.

We want to hear how you celebrate a corn hole or the winning of a game. Please share below.

(Photo Credit: Getty Images // Thinkstock)

4 thoughts on “Cornhole Celebrations – How do you celebrate?

  1. The game cornhole has been around a long time. I’ve heard a Native American Indian tribe played it in Illinois. I know the game is a favorite in the Ohio Valley. Most of the watering holes here have Cornhole tournaments. The game contestants are incredibly competitive. My wife and I attend the Cornhole games just to watch the entertaining celebrations of scoring. We both laugh till we have tears running down our cheeks.

    1. Hey there Kevin, thanks for dropping by!  You know, I have heard about the Native Americans playing a game similar to cornhole…but I had never heard it was in a tribe from Illinois.  I will have to do a little research on that and update my Game History page!

      Folks do indeed take their cornhole pretty serious.  This can result is some very entertaining games to watch.

      Now, you and your wife need to get out there and play in those tournaments.  Let the rest of us have a chance to laugh until tears run down our cheeks!  😉

      Have fun out there!

  2. Hi,
    Hahaha,,, I use to celebrate really wild. When I was younger and I was playing soccer after scoring a goal I use to scream so loud that one day I kind of hurt my vocal cord. Since that day I learned to be more decent and rise my hands towards the sky. Why that?….No idea.. maybe I got scared. My son dance around when he scores a goal. ..

    1. Hey there Babacar! 

      Yes, I’m with you…it is better to keep your vocal cords intact!  I have to say I have never seen a cornhole celebration that comes anywhere close to soccer.  We have an MLS team here in Portland, Oregon.  I’ve gone to a couple of games and I have to say they are loud!!!!

      I like your son’s style.  Let the dance do all the talking!

      Hope you get a chance to get outside and have some fun!

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